Wednesday, 26 June 2013

AS Reflection

AS Reflection:


My AS coursework, was not the best, the quality looked quite “unprofessional”; I believe this is due to the layout of the pages and my lack of experience using Photoshop. In saying this, I can’t blame the software as it was completely my own fault; as I could have downloaded the photoshop software and experimented with it before the course started.

All in all, I believe that I had burnt myself out of enthusiasm at the beginning of the year, and after a couple of weeks I was not as eager, and my work came out half-arsed. (This could be said for all of my subjects across the board.) However it is my plan to ensure that the same doesn't happen again in the second year.

As you can see there is a lot of blank space I could not seem to fill. Also I do believe that some of the colours don’t match. And at risk of sounding overly critical and sounding like I feel sorry for myself, the way I have cropped the main image is sketchy and limbs and part of the backgrounds are still there.