Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Updated Ancillary Task

Updated Billboards


I took the feed back given from my peers, and changed the layout, font, and my logo, I have added more detail. One has the background and the other is blank.

Without Background.

With Background

Ancillary Task Update


After recent feedback I have been advised to restart my ancillary task as its style is too mature for the task at hand. So I have decided to go against my initial plan and go for the tabloid format; in previous posts I have been somewhat derogative towards the tabloids and their posts, please have no misinterpretations on this subject I am still against the style and the contents, However I understand that I have to cater to an audience and the fact of the matter is that no one reads newspapers. No matter how much synergy is used, the physical form of news is unused.
My intentions are to go for a style of News Corporations “The Sun”, but I shan’t be using erotic images; however that would rocket up readership.
The first piece of design work that I have created for this project is the logo. I have called the paper “The Sunderland Star” I got inspiration form “The Daily Star” a leading tabloid that is notorious for its typically masculine features including sport erotic images and it is aimed at the working class; immediately giving it a readership of those belonging to the socio-economic groups of C2, D,E.

Friday, 25 October 2013

First Attempt at Animoto


This is my first attempt at using Animoto software.


Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Ancillary Task - Bus Stop Billboard (Regional Paper)

Bus Stop Billboard - Ancillary Task

My first attempt at my ancillary task, I have been told that I need to aim at a younger target audience. Therefore this post is rather superfluous, other than to show my progress.

I shall be aiming at the socio-economic codes of C2, D, and E; in the form of a tabloid.

Add caption

Friday, 18 October 2013

The Logo That I Picked For My Local Paper

The Logo For My Local Paper

This is the logo that I picked, I chose it because, it is simple yet elegant. It mirrors the style of the paper by being straight forward and in plain black and white.

My Masthead Choices For My Local Paper

Logo Choices For Local Paper

My choices for my local paper's logo.

My Choice For The Regional Paper Logo

The Regional Paper Logo

This logo I believe is the best out of what I came up with, so I chose this one.

Regional Newspaper Options

Regional Newspaper Options

These are the options that i have came up with for my regional newspaper.

Possible Names For Newspaper

Possible Names For Newspaper

These are the names that I have came up with:


·      Sunderland Daily
·      Sunderland Times - Taken
·      Sunderland Gazette
·      Sunderland Veiws
·      Sunderland News
·      Sunderland Evening Chronicle


·    The North East Journal
·      North East Today
·      North East Independent News
·      North East Gazette
·      Northen Echo - Taken

i I have had some feedback and it has been suggested that I should create a template for both a local, and a regional so that I have more choice, however I am going to have decide soon rather than later on what type of paper I'll be creating - a broadsheet or a tabloid.

I I will use the "Sunderland Daily" for a local magazine, and for a regional paper I'll use "The North East Journal"

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Gratification Theory

Gratification Theory

The “Uses and gratifications theory” (UGT) is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. UGT is an audience-centred approach to understanding mass communication. Diverging from other media effect theories that question "what do media do to people?"  UGT focuses on "what do people do with media?" (Wikipedia)
This theory divulges into why the public uses the media, and simple answer is to escape from the woes of their boring life, and watching fictitous charachters live their life could give veiws satisfaction of their own life, and how it is much better.

Sons Of Anarchy
Breaking Bad

Or they may drift away and wish for an alter-ego, and long to be a criminal, manufacturing meth amphetamine (Breaking Bad), or being a notable member of a motor cycle club (Sons of Anarchy).

The type of people who wish for the more adventurous, and sometimes dangerous and illegal life, tend to have a white collar job, and want neck tattoo, but it doesn’t conform to the job’s expectations. Or long to ride a Harley Davison across the desert, drink and drive (just because you can) carry a gun, and start bar fights over nothing, get arrested, and so on. However, can’t afford to, or have a job where they a drug tested; so the next best thing is to watch a show that revolves around fictitious lives of the care free outlaws’ such as “Sons of Anarchy”.

Other people may wish to feel better about themselves by watching staged talk shows such as "The Jeremy Kyle Show" or "The Jerry Springer Show". The type of people who do this may be content with their life and they also might be successful in their respected field. Or the audience of these shows might just be bored on a day off work, and just want some easy watching. Either way who ever watches these shows are watching for comedic effect, or out boredom. however in saying that some members of the audience may actually believe the show is based completely on fact.

The Jerry Spinger Show

The Jeremy Kyle Show

There are multiple way people can recive pleasure from the media whether it be educational, comedic, or it be what the long to be or have.

Modern communication scholars such as Dr. Thomas E. Ruggiero highlight the necessity of UGT in understanding the proliferation and success of computer-mediated communication forms. Ruggiero states that UGT provides a "cutting-edge theoretical approach in the initial stages of each new mass communications medium: newspapers, radio and television, and now the Internet.” (Wikipedia)
Furthermore, Ruggiero argues that new media forms require analysis of potentially new uses and gratifications; for example, interactivity, hypertextuality, asynchronous communication, and demassification. (Wikipedia)
 Ruggiero's finding can apply to my product as my product will be using convergence and synergy such as radio, and  a billboard.

Rationale of Flat Plans

Rationale of Flat Plans


Fonts I will use will more than likely be bold Times for the mast head/flag and just the regular “Times” for the body of the text. The reason why I picked this font as it is a simple and fromal.

Layout for the broadsheet I have the smaller stories have images to attract a secondary audience but still have it appeling to the target audience. Boxed separate stories with a two line sumarry.

The colour scheme will standard Black and White (plus images), a simple straight forward colour scheeme which links in with the style of the paper – straight to the point unsugar coated, truthful, raw fact.


The tabloid will have a heavier font to grab attention of the audience such as Arial Black the font is bold and heavy and the regular Arial font for the body of the text.

The layout is just a stereotpical tabloid setting, large, bold, out-standing headline, with a lot of red to help the black stand out.

The colour scheme will be simply black, white and red, all juxtaposing colour wich in the past have worked well together, famous tabloids such as The Sun have it as their colour scheme (plus images).

Friday, 11 October 2013

Second Ancillary Task Influence (3)

Second Ancillary Task Influence

For the radio script I want to have a political debate style convocation. "Obama Talks War on Terror, Iran and Pakistan in First-Ever Interview With O'Reilly". This is the headline of the interview the website. -

BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Impact" segment tonight: our first conversation with Senator Barack Obama. It's been a long time coming, as you know. Thursday afternoon, I met with the senator in York, Pennsylvania.
Now, we're going to play you the first part of the interview right now, and the rest of it, which is fairly extensive and provocative, will be seen next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Roll the tape.
O'REILLY: Well, first of all, thanks for being a man of your word.
O'REILLY: But I was worried there for awhile. It's been nine months since we last met in New Hampshire.
OBAMA: It took a little while. I've had a few things to do in between, but I appreciate you having me on the show.
O'REILLY: OK. Let's start with national security. Do you believe we're in the middle of a War on Terror?
OBAMA: Absolutely.
O'REILLY: Who's the enemy?
OBAMA: Al Qaeda, the Taliban, a whole host of networks that are bent on attacking America, who have a distorted ideology, who have perverted the faith of Islam, and so we have to go after them.
O'REILLY: Is Iran part of that component?
OBAMA: Iran is a major threat. Now, I don't think that there is a — the same — they are not part of the same network. You've got Shia, and you've got Sunni. We've got to have the ability to distinguish between these groups, because, for example, the war in Iraq is a good example, where I believe the administration lumped together Saddam Hussein, a terrible guy, with Al Qaeda, which had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein.
O'REILLY: We'll get to that.
OBAMA: And as a consequence, we ended up, I think, misdirecting our resources. So they're all part of various terrorist networks that we have to shut down and we have to destroy, but they may not all be part and parcel of the same ideology.

Second Ancillary Task Influence (2)

Second Ancillary Task

For the radio script I want to have a political debate style convocation. I have found a presidential
debate for the democratic candidates that was shot in Iowa State Historical Museum. :-

The candidates attending were Sen. Joseph Biden (DE), Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY), Sen. Christopher Dodd (CT), former Sen. John Edwards (NC), former Sen. Mike Gravel (AK), Rep. Dennis Kucinich (OH), and Sen. Barack Obama (IL).

The debate was moderated by Steve Inskeep, Michele Norris and Robert Siegel.

ROBERT SIEGEL:   But the Democrats are here, and they are, from left to right on your radio dial, Senator Hillary Clinton, former Senator Mike Gravel, Senator Barack Obama, Senator Christopher Dodd, Senator Joseph Biden, former Senator John Edwards and Congressman Dennis Kucinich.
Governor Bill Richardson could not join us. He's attending the funeral of a Korean War soldier whose remains the governor recently helped repatriate from North Korea.
So we're going to get started with the debate, and let's stipulate in advance what I know many feel obliged to say. We're grateful that all of you are here, and we expect that you're grateful to the Iowa State Historical Museum, the people of Iowa, public radio in Iowa and NPR News. And we appreciate that and hope we can move on to the topic of Iran.
The new National Intelligence Estimate contains a major change. It says that Iran stopped its nuclear weapons program in the fall of 2003. Today President Bush said that nothing's changed in light of the report. He said the NIE, the National Intelligence Estimate, doesn't do anything to change his opinion about the danger Iran poses to the world.
For all of you — and let's go left to right across the radio dial — do you agree with the president's assessment that Iran still poses a threat? And do you agree that the NIE's news shows that isolation and sanctions work?
Senator Clinton.
SEN. HILLARY CLINTON:   Well, I'm relieved that the intelligence community has reached this conclusion, but I vehemently disagree with the president that nothing's changed and therefore nothing in American policy has to change.
I have for two years advocated diplomatic engagement with Iran, and I think that's what the president should do. He should seize this opportunity and engage in serious diplomacy, using both carrots and sticks. I think we do know that pressure on Iran does have an effect. I think that is an important lesson. But we're not going to reach the kind of resolution that we should seek unless we put that into the context of a diplomatic process.
SIEGEL:   Thank you, Senator Clinton.
Senator — former Senator Mike Gravel.
MR. MIKE GRAVEL:   Iran's not a problem, never has been, never will be.
What you're seeing right here is something very unique, very courageous. What the intelligence community has done is drop-kicked the president of the United States. These are people of courage that have watched what the president is doing, onrush to war with Iran.
And so by releasing this information, which is diametrically opposed to the estimate that was given in '05 by showing that there is no information to warrant what the White House has been doing, they have now boxed in the president in his ability to go to war. So, my hat is off to these courageous people within the bureaucrats — bureaucracy of the intelligence community.
SIEGEL:   Thank you, Senator Gravel.
Senator Barack Obama.
SEN. BARACK OBAMA:    Well, I think Iran continues to be a threat to some of its neighbors in the region, so they're still funding Hamas, they're still funding Hezbollah, and those are things we have to be concerned about. But it is absolutely clear that this administration and President Bush continues to not let facts get in the way of his ideology. And that's been the problem with their foreign policy generally. They should have stopped the saber-rattling, should have never started it, and they need now to aggressively move on the diplomatic front.
I have said consistently since the beginning of this campaign that it is important for the president to lead diplomatic efforts, to try to offer to Iran the prospect of joining the World Trade Organisation, potential normalised relations over time, in exchange for changes in behaviour  That's something that has to be pursued.
