Friday, 22 November 2013

Ancillary Improvements

I'll be improving the two ancillary tasks when I can, I am happy with them but there is always room for improvement.

There is still some things that need adding to the billboard and the images still needs to be added to the website.

Time Management Plan For Main Project

For my main product I'll be setting myself small dead lines such as when to have certain aspects such as  articles to be wrote by certain times, pages and all the features of the paper that are needed to be added such as QR codes, images and a fake alias for each photo with a person in.

The evidence of this will be posted in due time.

Friday, 15 November 2013


I am quite pleased to report that I have nearly finished both of my ancillary tasks, all I have to do is incorporate my own images into the website so that it can be entered.

These are the items that I need to find images for on my website.  A slide show,  an image,  and four headlines.

"See More" Button

See More Button

I saw on The Daily Star that there was a "more news" hyperlink, so I saw this as a opportunity to save space on the page so it doesn't reel on for fifty stories.

The style of the button is a standard rounded edge button with the words "See More". 

My Site

The Daily Star

Fictitious Publishing Company

Argyle ltd.

Argyle ltd. is a fictitious publishing company that I created to add to my navigation bar so that there is no copyright problems. 

I created the design using the default shapes on photoshop, I found a one that looked like an argyle pattern so I chose that one and came up with a name.



After a few days of battling with the Wix software, I have finally managed to get create a navigation bar/box that is at the bottom on each page. It has links to social media, a fictitious publishing company - Argyle ltd. I got the the inspiration from The Daily Star.

The navigation bar/box.

Proof it is set to be on each page.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Another Idea

I have noticed that there are hyperlinks in the flag, such as, horoscopes, apps, archive, links to social media, weather, search bar and a sign in.

I believe that I'm going to attempt incorporating this into my website.


I have noticed something, in all fairness, it's a bit embarrassing that I've only just had the idea to use it now.

It is a navigation device that is at the bottom of the page. This screenshot is from The Daily Star - my satirical inspiration, so please ignore the hyperlinks that have the word "babe" or "sexiest".

Website Desgin

So Far

The Home page for my newspaper is coming along well, now I need to incorporate some of my own images. I shall upload it in due time, when it is done that is.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Progress So Far - 8th November

Since my last feedback session, I believe that I have made a lot of drastic adjustments, such as the whole trajectory, of my newspaper. Under advisement I have decided to go for a design of a tabloid and the progress is coming along (in my opinion) reasonably well.

I am good portion through my second ancillary which is due in on the 15th November (it is now the 8th). I am confident that I’ll have it done before then so that I can focus on the creation of my main task which I have already started brainstorming for.